get over yourself
get over yourself
you must be a blast at parties....
How is an Audi being unreliable news to you? They are pretty much known for being made out of glass.
It's an Audi, one of the most unreliable companies that exist.
This was fucking retarded and a total waste of my time. If you think that's a fight worth watching you need to get out more.
If you think Fort Collins has no traffic you have never been to Fort Collins
You think riders are going to start shooting cops if they get run down? You must be as dumb as the riders if you think that. And no, you and your friends are not cool/badass.
Anyone in a "biker gang" is a douchebag.
Umm what?? Full coverage for motorcycles is around $20 a month, try to find auto insurance that cheap.
They were not using the USDM spec EVO, they had a much more powerful one. US Evos are slower then WRXs, and even my Focus ST
You realize Americans are not only from the US? Its incredible how stupid and ignorant you are.
You are such a dumbass
So much stupidity in your post.
How is being a flight attendant a noble profession?