I thought they renamed it the Bolt?
I thought they renamed it the Bolt?
She wants out of the Sony deal. Contracts are contracts.
Unfortunately, she has already testified in court under oath that Dr Luke did not rape her.
It takes 6-7 years for GM to bring a car from design to production.
With Tesla, you know no one else is getting a better deal.
“Pick one of the Asian ones, I can get them cheaper” -my boss at a large military contractor afterhanding me a handful of resumes to review.
Virginia is passing a law right now to change the current marriage age of 12.
Never underestimate a women scorned.
My father was in Vietnam the same time Adm Stockdale was a POW. He said everyone in country considered him an absolute f’ing hero. No question.
Sterotypical dumb jocks.
Thanks Senator Cruz.
Tax preparers in the US have lobbied Congress to make it illegal for the IRS to do this.
That is a terrible song!
My family had a 1977 Volare. When ever you stopped at a red light the car would die 1/2 the time.