stay pressed

i think you meant to say "frak it."

that's exactly what i thought when i read the culprit was coal-tar. didn't realize that people had such bad reactions to it, though; i always thought it was a god-like substance, along with whatever makes amlactin work. i guess that's why there's all those warning on those neutrogena t-gel shampoos.

uh. homemade curry ketchup is freakin delicious to dip twice-fried french fries in.

if by "worst" you mean "best," then you are correct. rocky loves emily!

wasn't that some weird australian accent she was using?

i thought the same thing. i mean, they're obviously metro north trains, so...

+1 amen

thank you.

das a alien, bruv, believe it.

i enjoyed watching season 2 much more than season 1.

ugh, the fade was so good, how could they have let it end like that? all my fades feels were resurrected when they did the same thing to the hour recently.

god, thank you. it sounded fine but i just couldn't watch it without feeling weirded out.

agreed...if dunkin donuts et al is your standard for figuring out whether you like doughnuts, you're doing it right. finding a good place that makes them fresh is the key. the addictive key.

i don't know who these trust fund hipsters are, because i haven't met one yet, and i live in greenpoint. no one i know lives off their parents' money nor off of some crazy trust fund.

let's face it, the word is totally meaningless now because everyone uses it to describe anyone that's not a total "square" or anything that's slightly left of center.

utopia is so gorgeous, tense, and brutal. excited for black mirror as well; the promo for that gives me great hope.

rocky loves emily!

why is no one commenting on how cheap and tacky all of the dresses are? they need tailoring and look like they came out of a plastic bag at a mall disney store. poor snow white (?) looks like she's wearing a potato sack. these ladies needed some tips from cosplayers.

caaaaarpe diiiiiiem.