
I always envisioned Postal 2 as a kinda-sorta videogame adapation of Falling Down.

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit for $40 apiece from amazon.

I might as well have gotten trampled by crowds in retail stores after what I had to put up with at my (factory) job.

@embitterer: huh? I typically don't sell my games. I was referring to the ability to preorder and continually pay on the game and have it fully paid off before the game is released.

@embitterer: I really don't mind gamestop. I like having the option to put a little here and a little there to pay off games.

I buy new more than used because I want to support the industry and the makers of the game. Especially when its a new IP.

picked up NFS: HP from amazon for $40. I'll pay $5 extra to stay at home and avoid the crowds.

@cforciea: well stated. Thank you.

@XeO3: I would think my personal income from my business would not equal 100% of my business' profit.

Between the TSA rules and the idea of my life being in the hands of someone who might be on foodstamps, I'm fine with driving to my destination.

ya know, if I made over 250k a year, I'd happily pay higher taxes.

Movie looks great.

NFS: HP and AC: B are in my sights during these sales. Hopefully they'll show up on amazon for these prices so I don't have to deal with stupidity

Dragons... Kinect.

@Sprzout: orange is avarice, blue is hope, indigo is compassion, violet is love, black is death.

@DuCT: Guy is awesome.

@Sprzout: yellow no longer a weakness, the yellow represents fear.