@spannu: hell yes.
@spannu: hell yes.
Wow. That's a really good Rufio.
@Mooncow27: normally its not so bad, but the holiday combined with other stuff made for a busy month.
and so begins the jailbreak-patch-jailbreak war that we see on the PSP, and the iPhone to a lesser extent
screw you guys; working my 4th 12 hour day in a row, my 15th consecutive work day. ON A HOLIDAY. (I'm not bitter or anything)
damn that Spider-man game looks sweet.
hard to believe its already september.
one more week.
@Spderweb: Ultimate Deadpool, which is full of fail.
wow, game looks great. can't wait for it.
". It's the sort of line-up we've seen with the Playstation 3 and Playstation 2's release"
@ant1pathy: I was just about to say that. Galaxy S devices have been getting anywhere from 1700 to 2300 with various lagfixes.
Can't wait for this game. Everything I see about it just makes me more and more excited.
@Sam Edwards: okay, I misunderstood when I saw the preview on g4, the karma system is still there, but there's a more influencing faction system, which basically you can befriend factions and even play them against each other, a la MGS4.
@bahamutXr79: Agreed. I don't mind making three characters, but I appreciate the thought of leaving those achievements out.
@jonincambridge: Valentine's Day. Flowers and a pack of condoms.
glad to see a pc article.. even if it is a republished work.
@Pixiebutt: yay for bad religion love.
@Brian Crecente: eh, here's the other video, with Ian Mackaye's thoughts on the militant movement of sXe, which is apparently more common today.