
@NatoCannon: I'm waiting on my copy to show up in the mail.

@wryterra: No, you misread my statement. "One half your lineage.." as in offspring of your DA: O character.

"Capcom's 2D horror-themed fighting game series that hasn't seen an update since 1997's Darkstalkers 3."

I'd be willing to give the new combat system a try (I like both Oblivion and Dragopn Age styles), but the news about the character and dialogue tree just grinds my gears.

You guys might want to update your guide somewhere to include the fact that as far as multiplayer goes, you have wii friend codes, and then other games have their own friend codes to play online with.

Blizzard is a deserving company for such praise.

@Haneyg: Its not that I "dislike humans," its that when playing a fantasy RPG video game, I expect certain things out of it.

@dazedncnfusd7170: I'm sure it will score high on metacritic. But numbers do not necessarily mean I myself will like it. If I were to assign numbered scores to games, my score on ME2 would be a lot lower than its metacritic score.

@我不是中国人。: That's just it. I think the PC was deeply involved, and just as with Bethesda games such as Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3, the PC doesn't necessarily need a voice. I don't mind reading text in a game... I oftentimes turn on subtitles anyway.

@我不是中国人。: see, I don't mind the lack of a voice if it means more customising options for your character.

ugh. Seriously bioware?

shortest play time I've experienced on the Wii was Bleach: Shattered Blade.

@DoktorFunkenstein: While shopping for hard drives a while back, I noticed something weird.

Honestly I think the picture explains why the sky is falling, but the developer does make a pretty good point.

@Solidusian Fury: No, I'm not talking about precision aiming with the left trigger, I'm talking to shoot at all as seen with Capcom games such as RE and Dead Rising, which also locks you in place, preventing you from actually walking or running.

This game looks sweet, and Platinum Games just makes me want to get my hands on it even more.

@!Skyline!: 100+ degree working in a snack food processing plant with a fryer at damn near 400 F, various other sources of heat (that being the largest), and obviously you have to clean the floor or other pieces of equipment, causing more moisture and humidity in the air.