
sex acts and positions

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The audio is fucked up because the person singing couldn’t carry a tune in a wheel barrow.

If TS was a white girl whose daddy didn’t have a hedge fund, she would be hawking fries.

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Reminder: This is the Swift performance Bob Leftowitz was critiquing:

Psychological thrillers are even scarier than violent movies!

Maybe you have a guard badger! You should really broadcast this so everyone can play along, maybe set up a betting pool for what kind of critters you have.

I’ve got something living under my shed - there’s an actual burrow the previous owners put a wire mesh over. Based on the way the snow’s been dug out there and trails around the backyard, a fairly strong presence. I’m thinking of getting a webcam and training it on the shed from the dining room to see if I can

“Why did we never question this? Why were we so willing to believe in this origin myth?”

House cat!?!? They can take out full grown human soldiers...

I was forced to watch The Conjuring against my will (I stupidly hitched a ride to a drive-in theater instead of driving myself and being able to escape) and I will never forgive anyone involved in that.

It’s not really a scary movie like Silence of the Lambs. There are some uncomfortable comedic parts, but it’s mostly a thriller.

I mean, I want to but I heard/read it’s a scary movie and I really don’t like scary movies. I last saw The Woman in Black in the theater and it was very generic scary movie stuff, and I had a horrible time. Please tell me otherwise (maybe it’s a regular thriller and I misread?) so I’ll woman up and watch it.

I haven’t seen it. My understanding is that it’s a horror movie, which is a genre I pretty universally abhor (pardon the homophone adjacent pun). So while I support the effort in theory.... I just don’t see me enjoying it at any level.

Do you like Baz Luhrmann in general? I would argue Moulin Rouge is the most “Baz Luhrmann”-y of his movies (flashy, musical, colorful, romantic, mix of modern kitsch with a traditional story).

Go with the 1952 version, it has 100% more Zsa Zsa Gabor.

I hated the movie, and I LOVE Nicole Kidman and like Ewen McGregor. The music’s okay.

Eh, I find the movie itself pretty blah. The music is the most memorable thing about it, and even that’s not all that remarkable. I think you can skip it.

I really do not understand the incessant defense of this man. Especially since the accusations involve a child. He has made some great movies but that is about it.

1) I hope that fucking trog gets fired. Your take is not hot, bro.