
I don’t have much advice aside from tread carefully. I get why you don’t want dogs at work, but if it’s a small office that’s pro-dog you might make a lot of enemies if you start requesting a change in policy. Good luck!

I’d say that she is a cautionary tale in that, no matter what you do as a woman, you’re probably doing it wrong. Don’t age, but don’t look like you are resisting aging! So get plastic surgery, but don’t look like you have plastic surgery!

Yeah. And the bullied often grow up to be shitty, themselves. (I reached out to Anne in the hospital, and we were friends for a time. She responded by sharing a humiliating story about one of my parents being arrested ALL OVER social media. Anne can go fuck herself.)

I think if someone reached out publically with sympathy but not privately during such an emotional event as the death of a sibling by his own hand, I’d blow too. Surely SJP has an address or the ability to phone Cattrell’s agent rather than use Instagram.

Yeah, when I read this it did strike me as very gaslight-y. I’ve definitely been in this sort of situation before, where there’s a lot of vicious behavior (from both sides, even) in private but one person pretends, publicly, to be all kindness and good intentions, only to continue the nasty behavior in private. It

When I was in high school, a group of girls decided they didn’t like Anne, so they told the teacher she refused to help with a group project, when in fact they had declined to include her in the meetings. Anne received an F.

That doesn’t really matchup with the scuttlebutt I’ve ever heard, from friends and friends of friends who’ve worked with Cattrall.

I always consider service workers to be pretty reliable judges of a celebrity’s character. Every service worker I know whose encountered SJP has had nothing but glowing praise. A girl I know once waited on her at a restaurant and complimented the way she smelled. SJP returned the next day to gift the her a bottle of

Yeah, I don’t get why the hell SJP would send condolences via a public IG comment and not a personal note. Doesn’t she pride herself on being a champion of old-fashioned courtesies and someone who doesn’t really “get” social media?

Or, they’re in a clique? Several people taking a side against someone doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right especially when it’s to make that person do something they want.

Never thought I’d say this but: I do feel kinda bad for Brody.

Name me a woman in this administration who didn’t get there by stepping on the necks of other women.

How do you defend that, there are pictures of his wives with black eyes.

Non-skating Nancy Kerrigan?

Honestly, I feel like Bannon has some good stories. Like, they’re all kinda raunchy and definitely 50% fictional, but I can definitely imagine him saying something like “so at this point, I woke up wearing only someone else’s socks” right as this picture was taken.

How do you defend that, there are pictures of his wives with black eyes.


Porter has been the Staff Secretary to the President, and thus has seen all correspondence and memos (by definition) before the president - while never having gotten security from the FBI, because the FBI knew about the DV history and wouldn’t give him clearance.

Maybe they’re just easter eggs.

GAVE a 6hr speech? Nancy is still going. TBH this deserves its own story.