If Hillary was President right now, DACA would still be in place.
If Hillary was President right now, DACA would still be in place.
I’d insert a blinking gif but Kinja won’t let me. And it would be blinking twice. OB is the suburb I worked in, but the murders were committed in another town.
At least Hardy can always change it to “Ms.Cleo knows all”
Either we worked at the same restaurant or it is an incredibly, horribly specific coincidence for something *exactly* like that to happen at two different restaurants. Blink twice if suburbs of Chicago.
I had a friend who was convicted of possession of child pornography. Cut all ties immediately. I hope he rots.
I didn’t watch the video but for that last point, ME!
Yeah it seems like a very awkward question to be asked.
Most BLECH! quote from the Quincy Jones interview: “Women give up pussy to get love, men give up love to get pussy.” Or it could be that there are plenty of women who just want casual sex, but guys think of them as “sluts” for engaging in the exact same behavior men and their friends engage in. Instead, they prefer to…
Wait, what is a chest that looks “like pears”? Is this a new thing I have to be worried about?? Can y’all just get VR headsets so that you can get whatever weird body you think exists??
Honestly, if someone I worked with for years was up on child porn charges and then killed himself I would have no fucking clue what to say if asked about it. I would probably be thinking “and nothing was lost.” But to say it? I don’t have the guts. So, I’m not going to criticize any Glee cast reaction unless it’s “he…
That or some news organization will start calling him “Presidential” for NOT engaging in childish name-calling while sitting on the toilet at 5am and then his approval ratings slowly start climbing
“If a mother and father walk into a consulate and have a marriage certificate and birth certificate, they’re never asked any questions about the biology of the child.”
Willful ignorance is a b*tch. You could probably buy a billboard across from Alec’s apartment and he still wouldn’t read it. He’s found his excuse to ignore, dismiss, and denigrate Dylan - Moses - and he’s staying with that. Alec, and Allen’s other defenders, can’t claim ignorance at this late date. They don’t know…
I would have to kindly disagree on Omarosa. She’s calm in the sense “I’m so calm, I’m actually just being quiet and saying the exact right thing to get you fucking pissed off and push your buttons to win this argument, so you hopefully lash out so I can play the victim, and then I’ll spew some nonsense that makes me…
You’d think the truth was hard to find out. How many times does it have to get spoonfed in articles before morons like Baldwin even glance at it?
I don’t think I understand your comment. Did you think I was shading her? I legit don’t recognize her. In my defence (or shame) I don’t recognize half of the people above.
This is probably a good place to confess that when I watched Sweet Home Alabama, I thought Ethan Embry’s character and Josh Lucas’s character were the same person. I was confused why the male love interest was gay in one scene and straight in the next.
I haven’t seen that. Will look now. But (completely unrelated), I DID see the live speeches from the families of the two students who were shot and killed in KY and “It was Jesus calling her home” and “god is so great” and “glory be to god”. Wat? I had teared up when one of them first started talking, but by the end…