Sex after a quiche? Non.
Sex after a quiche? Non.
Yep. In the same way the “Black Lives Matter” has been deliberately misconstrued to “why do you think white lives don’t matter”?
This is pure bullshit and you well know it.
“As women we do not recognise ourselves in this feminism, which beyond denouncing the abuse of power takes on a hatred of men and of sexuality,”
Please show me the news story from a reputable source about a man who merely told a coworker, “You look nice today!” or held a door open for people passing through and is now being lumped in with people groping their coworkers, exposing themselves to them, masturbating at them, or raping them. I’ll wait.
I’ve read through your original comment five times now, & I’m still trying to figure out which words she thinks are uppity 25¢ vocabulary that require a thesaurus. Contemptible? Cognitive?
As if that will save or protect them, in the end.
I like you.
Sigh. Just realised how much of a hypocrite I am. I just wrote I’m never again accepting abuse silently, but I stay silent when old men say sexually suggestive things to me in front of their wives.
This doesnt surprise me. When I was being sexually harassed in my Ph.D. program, the female professor I confided in told me that she had it way worse in the 70s in grad school and that I would “just have to deal with it”.
I agree buuuut we have a special word for gang rape too: gang rape.
this reminds me of the 1 date I had while living in France. we were at his place, he taught me how to make a quiche (I’m not joking), and then, in one fell swoop, the lights were off, candles were lit, and he was semi-horizontal on the couch, draped like a male shampoo model. verbatim:
I’m of French descent, with many French exes, an an estranged French husband, and can confidently say this is largely cultural. “Seduction” is the norm, and any cry against it should be silenced. I’ve been told multiple times that if I allow myself to become cold to these kinds of advances, I will end up bitter and…
Could someone remind me of the dates when no one published an op-ed or a letter talking about how the #metoo movement has gotten out of hand? Because as far as I remember it this is how it went:
Harvey Weinstein: okay.
Ah, yes, the seductive call of the wolf-whistler whispering his “hey baby, nice tits” at the ladies who walk by and the subway Casanova pinching the goods as one would a melon being considered for purchase. Ah, such is love, such is seduction!
“Rape is a crime, but trying to seduce someone, even persistently or cack-handedly is not, nor is men being gentlemanly a macho attack,”
Maybe they need to be reminded how the Maginot Line was penetrated without their consent.
OH, Suck some dicks you traitorous old fucking dumb shit bitches. (from another old broad - who believes women)
No one has a problem with sex and seduction, IN THE PROPER CONTEXT. What part of DON’T DO IT AT WORK is so fucking hard to understand? And if you are trying to seduce a woman and she’s giving you clues like “NO” and “PLEASE DON’T” you know, maybe you suck at it.