
He’ll probably nominate an actual cloud of methane gas next.

Thanks for drawing attention to it. It’s something we as black people are aware, but what helps is having more and more non-black people, especially those considering teaching, become aware of it as well. And yes I know there are those who won’t give a shit or will tune it out, but there are others that will take a

It’s the intent. I’m sure if someone said I’m pulling my kid out to visit family in Scotland the wouldn’t give a crap about whether they “fell behind” in school.

“Not including naptime." 

Dear Julia: I fucking hate avocados you presumptuous bitch.

My go-to! Only without the weights.

I think journalism’s a good fit for her. People have way shorter attention spans now adays and she’s clearly shown she’s able to succinctly get to the heart of the matter. Pulitzer, now.


Youthful-fucking-indiscretions. I love how that term can cover everything from shop lifting, stealing a car and doing coke to rape and vehicular manslaughter if you’re from certain, well-standing white families.

If white people are in a Chruch’s Chicken they’ll think it’s their space. Give them 5 minutes and they’ll be working up a patent on fried chicken and okra.

She should’ve taken some of her stuff and chilled the fuck out.

If burgers are supposed to be all about the meat, why aren’t they illegally using pics of dudes’ dicks? 

Dude that shit is do true I gonna put down my phone and get the fuck out of bed now.


Why are people still taking pictures of Jude Law?

Ivanka Trump - that’s cute.

“working hard on behalf of children and the American people”... so she’s slowly poisoning Trump with small daily doses of rat poison?

This gif will be my guiding light.

Emma Stone is wearing pleated khakis. That’s my take-away.

Up next: A light-hearted romantic comedy about Eckhart Tolle and RBG