
I think they’re actually shaming her based on the many, many bitchy things she has said and done.

That “dog” looks like a werewolf mid-change.

As someone who has done lots of book publicity I have always had a fraught relationship with the publication. It’s been the gold standard of determining ‘important’ literary work, but I’ve often felt that many times cronyism and intellectual snobbery have lead them to heap praise on books that are just long, boring,

As someone who has done lots of book publicity I have always had a fraught relationship with the publication. It’s been the gold standard of determining ‘important’ literary work, but I’ve often felt that many times cronyism and intellectual snobbery have lead them to heap praise on books that are just long, boring,

There are families in Yosemite with toddlers. I will not begrudge them just this one tiny concession while they are ‘making memories’ on 2.5 hours of sleep because someone wet the sleeping bag and someone else wanted to talk about ponies at 3 am. In fact, this Starbucks should be upgraded to one of the ones that

I think what she really means is that bad things happen if you’re poor.

The part you forgot was the royalties bill she attached to the bottle with some decorative twine.

I’d steal a very large Birkin bag and then fill it with as many Sephora items as it could hold. Then once the Purge was over I would sell the Birkin bag because I don’t get what the big deal is but I like money.

To be clear I think emaciated David Gahan is hit too.

I thought the point of the second film was to show Frank Grillo looking like a hot, well-fed David Gahan.

I don’t know who you are, but I kind of want to marry you. If only so you can babysit the kids and tell me what’s going on.

Literally the only thing in this that was not nauseating was ‘screechy from the Christain right’. A grammatically incorrect, but accurate description of the Christian right.

Mother fucking bingo

I wish they’d stop making me into gifs.

This is the only thing that makes this jack-ass slightly relatable.

If we could just funnel all those upcoming methane leaks into the WH....


“Red Flag” is a just a liberal term for “reality” and “reality” is just a deep state code word for “fake news” and it’s all a signal for conservatives to start lying their tits off about literally everything.

5 minutes after he’s elected 80% of his voters will be “shocked” by his racist statements.

I don’t think Trump is in pain. I think he’s a dick.