
You’ll get banned for sure. They don’t take kindly to being edited in these here parts.

Same, if I were to buy any I’d put DS9 above TNG, but I could see owning both just for sake of their significance. Not at $118 a season though... that’s full series pricing for me.

I don’t do this often, but I am here to endorse the Netgear Nighthawk.

I don’t do this often, but I am here to endorse the Netgear Nighthawk.

As a conservative that has lurked in various gawker comment sections via the links on Kotaku for the last seven years, I finally had to post. I am loving every second of this. Yea, I find making fun of republicans just as funny as democrats, but I rarely get to see the latter around here. Anyway, I’m pretty sure they

Add Boeing/Dreamliner to that list.

It’s like badmouthing Apple products on Gizmodo. I still get notifications from people telling me I’m an idiot and should accept Apple as God.

Snyder is in charge of the ENTIRE DCU. If he tells the director of WW that Diana needs to fight a giant spider in the 4th act, all she can do is ask is “how big do you want the spider to be?” This is why I’m worried.

I don’t get how people have issues with the CGI Leia. I thought she looked absolutely perfect, even after trying my hardest to find flaws during my 2nd and 3rd viewing. Tarkin was obviously more difficult to pull off since he has so much screen time, but multiple friends of mine (who aren’t avid Star Wars fans) and my

You are my hero Mr/Ms. Stavosws6.

Most excellent

Don’t link to this idiot’s gofundme! He can go fuck himself since that is what he was aiming for in the first place.

Hell yes. I get goosebumps just looking at the static image!!!

It’ looking?! I don’t really have much else to say about it. It’s a luxury so far, not a necessity or ground-breaker. Still getting used to it. My favorite use so far is switching browser tabs without having to use a mouse or shortcut. IOW, it’s convenient but not a life-changer yet.

I love you for still playing No Man’s Sky

I have a just turned 5 year old. Thank you all for your sage wisdom. I am taking notes.

Yea, this blog entry has a bit of rambling in it. I had to skim eventually too!

i feel like i really want to explore this game world, but i’m not confident the game itself will actually be fun.

You might say they’re....

I want this a lot more than the NES one.

It’s a bill credit, so if you already got the $25 bill credit offered with the first recall, you would get an additional $75 cell provider credit on your bill.