This is funny because Crypto Currency to a scammers isn’t worth their time.
This is funny because Crypto Currency to a scammers isn’t worth their time.
This reminds me of the movie Idiocracy. Women writing names on faces, licking into a mic for subs? Tons of emoji’s, animations and bright colors..... No its probably worse.
I only cook with a cast iron. If you rise it while its hot and scrub it with a chainmail pad designed for it, or Corse salt and paper towel it is spotless and done in 30 secs!
Xbox One followed by the WiiU
And wait for a actor face swap mod
Elite Dangerous like every weekend!
Humans all stand in a line to quickly get aboard the plane and we quickly stand up as soon as the plane stops moving. We really love standing!
So i have a firestick and pay for Hulu. Can I simply add on Disney+ as an addon like I do with HBO?
Ban all geese!
Elite Dangerous, and some Astroneers are on my playlist.
Somebody get this guy a Switch!
Ahh but what If the lion was born in the U.S? Would it be an African American lion?
Wait the Emperor is coming here? We will double our efforts!
According to their facebook group page, they will have both expansion packs for Civ6 on the Switch by end of year.
According to their facebook group page, they will have both expansion packs for Civ6 on the Switch by end of year.
I have one on my planet, feel free to visit me anytime user: SenatorKelley
there is a smooth walk mode. Go into options > controls. I turned it on immediately.
Played with a coworker last night in VR. The resolution is really low, like 320x240 the further out you look. Inside the ships, and vehicles, and menus looks are great. I’d admit to saying “wow” a few times. However the motion controls for the ship need tweaking and it needs double the resolution to see further. So…
woot I can’t wait for my $3.75 settlement in 3 years from this as well! Making extra bucks!
There shouldn’t be a cap, it should be based on how many people file and the price goes up for Equifax, not down for the millions effected.
Batman: How much do you weigh?
Vicki Vale: 108 I think
batman: you weight a lot more than 108