
I wasn’t suggesting you burn a file to a disk. I recommend you rip the actual disk to a file.

My two cents follow:

You know what you need to do!

North Korea is the Donald Trump of geopolitics. They get tired of being ignored so they say something completely outrageous in order to get attention. It's a shame that a country of 25 million people is being led by people who act like toddlers.

Oh yeah, it was close. She gave me the "I'm pregnant" story about 6 months in, then said we didn't need to use protection anymore because she was already pregnant. Luckily, I stayed cautious - and kid-free! I actually refer to her as 'PEG' now instead of her real name - Psycho Ex Girlfriend.

Sure.... here ya go

Press 1 for English.

I’m so all up in this video clip right now and I don’t care who at work sees me...

Yeah, I thought this was one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a long time. You know that when the first bulletpoint under “Assorted Musings” is the writer defending their opinion before anyone’s had a chance to disagree, there’s a problem.

It’s almost as if we watched totally different episodes.

I figure it’s a salvage territory thing. He was just passing through Rey’s established domicile —practically her yard— and she called him on it. Would likely have opened a can of worms that could threaten a claim on -his- territory. Not worth it in the long run.

Give it a try, it’s a blast! I got my start in smithing as part of a welding class I took at an art program at a local college. It was so much fun that I moved away from the hobbies I was learning to weld for and focuses just on working in the smithy for like 3 years. (Just kept taking the class over and over for

It’s kinja-wide and a very unfortunate decision

As long as Mrs. Frisbee and her kids aren’t around, the mice will be none the wiser.

So he’s not dead?

My plan was to produce some sort of mosquito contraceptive/abortive that could stay in human blood for a reasonable amount of time, so that mosquito who dined on humans would no longer be able to reproduce.
It’s nice to know somebody else thinks along the same lines (my friends don’t and suggested I go bang my head

Circle of Life is such bullshit. Simba should ask the antelope how they feel about returning to the dirt.