Statue of Limitations

i typically loathe desi so much that i cannot even bring myself to find his pathetic antics amusing. I've known too many actual people like that….But I admittedly laughed at him a few times last week. and even felt a little bad for him for the first time

How are the kids treating your lawn these days?

I was not expecting it, but my matches skyrocketed once i deleted my profile info…

so they get a pass for that miley cyrus collab?

despite his techincal proficiency, I'd rather Buckethead didn't do the soundtrack

i sort of do this but find i am buying less and less vinyl. I just can't justify the high price tag of most new releases. $30 for the new RTJ?? I thought those guys were COOL

Oh you're that guy. "Im sorry, while your answer DID indeed make me piss my pants, I have unwavering rules about the sorcerer cards

ive had a similar exchange with clerks, but its usually the other way around, with them trying to sell me on some piece of crap while im trying to buy their last ragged copy of some ps2 game i missed

so a Neo Geo?

I collect spores, molds, and fungus

That, and laziness. I have a friend who buys every new Nintendo system, regrets it a year or two later, then just trades it in with all his games to gamestop for like 50 bucks and buys a Playstation. Im like come on dude, I can hock (hawk?) that shit on eBay for you…

Yes! I remember trying to buy a simple table to put my computer on when I moved. You know, a piece of fucking wood with collapsable metal legs? I could not find one in my vicinity so I sat on my floor for the 3 days it took for amazon to ship it.

I dont know if this is the appropriate place for this rant, but here goes:

last Christmas my brother got me this very large Darth Vader "action" figure. (it was really more like a statue). I couldn't even hide it, I reacted immediately saying "Where in the fuck am I going to put this?"

I JUST started the whole internet dating thing and this is one of the things i fear having to breach the most

The husband of one of my college friends told me he is subscribed to many of those damn Lootcrates, thinking I would understand being a reasonable nerd myself. God help me, I actually thought less of him when he told me that. We are in our mid 30s

Shit, I was nine years old and even then I found the kids annoying. I….wasn't a very social child


and you dare to call yourself Satan

its the only one i listen to