Statue of Limitations

Their head of PR is a smart guy. Heel figure something out

they weren't making sausage, they were pushing a dog into the water

The one I recall having the shortest stint as a promoter was Draft Kings. Every single time - " is not a gambling website - what, yes it is. it absolutely is!" they were on for a month, tops.

if you guys posted more shit like this "Great Job Internet" would be a fucking smash

its okay, you can admit that they are magnificent. don't let these beer wieners shame you out of your preference

yeah i hate beer that tastes like beer

If anything, i was hoping for MORE classic hip hop bravado on this album

On Joe Rogan's podcast he straight up said that he chooses to be gay. That he is not so much attracted to men as he is attracted to the taboo of having sex with one

I also agree on all points. And i think a sraightforward progression of hte narrative would have absolutely been more enjoyable. The ideas and themes they're exploring with this show are interesting enough as they are, they don't need to hide them behind some kind of obtuse storytelling technique to make them seem

as opposed to the rights to period appropriate music, which is free even now?

I care. I would put on an album i know inside and out and get super in the zone at work and all of a sudden HEY DONT YOU THINK ITS ABOUT TIME YOU BOUGHT A NEW MATTRESS

woof. so why bother watching the show at all?

yea but those old super mario bros are awesome sooooooooo

thats because you were 19

this is EXACTLY how i feel whenever anyone says "some of the new episodes of The Simpsons are actually pretty decent"

The thing articles like this seem to ignore is the fact that EVERYONE downloaded Pokemon Go when it was launched. People I know who actively DIS-like pokemon even had it. I was on a cross country trip with my sis at the time of launch, and she played it more than I did…and has never been remotely interested in the

I was hoping for a blackER Lando, personally

hey, a demographic is a demographic

There is a 100% chance this happens. You hire people who already work for you to roles with more responsibility. Its just business. Stephen Hillenberg was a storyboard artist/writer for Rocko, then went on to make Spongebob. Pendelton Ward worked on Flapjack and then went on to make Adventure Time. etc etc.

I thought I followed Boris pretty closely, but seem to have missed this one…and can't seem to find much info on it online. A tracklist implies its old songs. It is live? Whats the deal?