Statue of Limitations

its also because their callbacks are not coming from a place of love, but a place of desperation to be perceived as fans of the old episodes in an attempt to keep longtime viewers on board

fucking seriously. this kind of "puppet" animation drives me up the wall. I'm sure the likes of Archer are funny and everything, but i just cannot stand the animation style

because it's like saying your favorite album is "Greatest Hits"

i would say Smash Bros is a cop-out, but that version of Kirby's song is so damn great

the headlines have indeed been pretty terrible around here lately

since when was "Great Job, Internet!" about things that are great?

i did the same thing and came to nearly the exact same conclusion. Jar Jar you can brush aside. Anakin is supposed to be DARTH FUCKING VADER

yeah, how does the "worst of" list get easily the best illustrated header?

comments like this make me glad i can


This is why I never ever buy anything "serious" for yankee swaps

i feel like if it doesn't happen at at least one of those stages, there's something wrong

ween you gonna knock that shit off?



Mr. Slaughter, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this comment section is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and

that was all i could think of when the southie fisherman vid was making the rounds a little while ago

It took me ages to convince my girlfriend she was a nerd. She was not having it. I was like "Dude, you read fantasy novels while WALKING to the bus stop…"

Wait, no, I was wrong. I was talking about the episode where Metallica shows up for no reason and only appears in the beginning of the episode as an example of The Simpsons shoving in unnecessary guest stars.

I was once watching the simpsons with the girl and talking about a particular later (at the time) episode* that was much funnier than it had a right to be, or that I cared to admit. She said verbatim, "that's great. I'm going to blow you now" (very blunt person). so she did. Then another episode came on mid-act and I