Statue of Limitations

I do an arguably worse version of this, leftover from a mutual habit with an old roommate. we would stick every fruit sticker on the inside of the cabinet, the goal being complete coverage. My girlfriend at the time was over and saw it once, and thinking it was someone else yelled "What the hell is this bullshit?? Are

thats the stupidest name i've ever heard

While we never really argued about her complete lack of punctuation in her curt, yet multi-subject text messages, we had more arguments/misunderstandings as a result than I care to think about

oh, i'll lose it eventually, no doubt

its sad but true. im doing a similar stunt on my instagram, but its more for me to get back into the habit of drawing. Id rather not be known for my pop culture scribbles, but posting them (to all 25 of my followers) is enough public accountability to keep me motivated.

if you look at his instagram account, his numbers skyrocket after he started doing these and hashtagging the shit out of them. unfortunately thats just how these things work

actually, i find that that is not often the case

Shit on by who? The braindead?

Yea, you know what? I think I am too and never really thought about it until these comments. My girlfriend and I broke up, didnt speak for a month or so, then ran into each other downtown. She told me she was moving back home halfway across the country at the end of the month, so we were figured hey! If we don't have

fair enough. Facility on weekends

License to kill, pistols only, complex. all day. every day.

there is no honor in goldeneye. you can play by your self imposed "rules" while i sneak up and shoot you in the back in your sniping post. the numbers don't lie

i love love LOVE GoldenEye, and still play it with friends to this day, but yes, you kinda "had to be there". I can't imagine picking up the game for the first time today and enjoying it. The nostalgia is largely from having a blast with your friends/family.

NOT screen watching is for pussies. you can see my screen, i can see your. fair playing field

awesome, thanks! definitely gonna take this to heart

I've tried to start guitar here and there and have had a hard time keeping up with it. but i am fairly certain I would enjoy it immensely if i could only get over the hump. Any advice for getting over that first "plateau" and how long it took you to feel like you were over it?

young'uns using "feels" and "totes" and all that malarkey doesn't really bother me. kids are idiots and they will realize it one day. What bothers me are the adults (or spouses of adults, more often) I consider my friends who try to use them

"decent" and "semi-regularly" are not exactly ringing endorsements, particularly regarding a show that at one time was considered "consistently the best thing on tv by a very wide margin"

nope. this A- was absolutely awarded on a curve

RIP movie posters