Statue of Limitations

i ain't got no dukes

this was also mine, except watching the movies was enough. we broke up about halfway through them, and i will likely never watch the rest….unless my next girlfriend is also damn near obsessed

same! a friend loaned me this and halfway through the song i called her and was like "how have i never heard this band before??" lifelong albini fan since

there was trash in his mom's vagina?? gross

I can see why you'd think that, but the correct answer was "balls"

im pretty glad i don't, actually

yea, but your mom plays Zen Pinball

very similar to that of one flap flipping


lol ur old

what hes trying to say is Nebraska rules

sadly, I know that it is predominantly the second one

hah, sorry. I have been particularly sensitive to this issue lately as many of my friends are basically declaring they are "too old" to go out and have fun anymore…these people are married, but BARELY 30 and do not have kids yet. its a bummer but…good riddance i suppose

always depends on the source. if i said this in my circle of friends they'd be like "asshole!". if another particular girl in our circle of friends said it, it'd come off as completely genuine.

stupid adults. just because you have children doesn't mean you have to be a boring shut-in and never talk to/hang out with your friends. i am very single and have friends with children i hang out with plenty….and then other who don't even HAVE kids who i do NOT see.

not true, it's that you young punks don't appreciate shit anymore, always streaming movies on your pocket computeys!

no, because seeing a movie in the theater is a different kind of tangible, its an "experience"

if i had as much personal capital as him, i would be doing far more eccentric things than tape movies off of tv

i find it hard to believe that every motherfucker on this site is completely incapable of seeing the appeal of watching something on VHS instead of some crummy budget digital transfer Blu-Ray. when working in my studio i usually prefer watching movies on VHS on a small tube tv because it is visually and auditorily

lol i think he's hot