
So you don’t agree that it’s fucked up? He assumed a natural disaster only affected one race, discounting the thousands of non blacks hurt, or, at the very least, took a natural disaster that killed thousands and used it in his favor to add a race factor to his article. Absolutely disgusting journalism imo.

I’m failing to see the racism here. It’s a shitty sign to make but there’s no racism. Unless you’re assuming only black people were hurt by Katrina, which is pretty fucked up...

You can say that again. Just look at the muscle mass on this “beautiful” “woman!”

Should the NCAA introduce some sort of “pick a scholarship or pick getting paid” policy? As in, when a student athlete signs to a school, they can either choose to get however much of a scholarship they were offered or the cash equivalent. If a player’s only intent is to use a university as a means to get to the NFL