
@Ralph Macchio: lol at your "what woman doesn't like to be showered with gifts" bullshit. Speak for yourself. Most people don't forget about years of abandonment at the sight of a shiny present.

The rush to shame and disgrace a homeless addict is pretty disgusting.

@BAngieB: lol I always, always read Special K as ketamine, even on this site.

I'm more concerned with the eventual girl than for the aborted fetuses. She's the one who's going to have to grow up with some pretty unstable parents.

@MyUnderpantsHaveFlamesOnThem: what do you mean by anonymous? like they would say how many people contracted a certain STD that year or something? that sounds reasonable.

@MyUnderpantsHaveFlamesOnThem: this is appalling. i can't believe planned parenthood would distribute information like that, or that any health department would treat you like you're typhoid mary just for gonorrhea. plenty of people go a year with gonorrhea/chlamydia with no symptoms, that is just ridiculous.

@grapefruitade: If France managed to survive this without going on strike, Spain can too.

@miss.micawber: No. I did just read a statistic that said 40% of "young people" were unemployed though. :(

@cobralily: It's a great day when you can sit in a cafe and drink coffee without your eyes burning. The other great thing about cafes is that you can have your coffee and cigarette outside.

@wonderwoahman: same! there's no support and they are the most uncomfortable shoes ever. :(

@LazyHippo: As Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher was the head of the cabinet, which exercises power, and most people held her responsible for the UK's foreign and economic policy. Much more power than the head of state.

The wallpaper one is pretty great, actually.

Is there an official reason they say meat/poultry and not just meat? I would understand "meat/fish", but chicken?

@thisistobehelpful: no, why is that depressing? some people are skinny, move on.

@young_digory: Marie was definitely a first name, but waaaay back, when Marie was everybody's first name anyway. Then it was just middle names. And lol my grandfather is Jean Marie, true facts.

@BrutallyHonester: they aren't actually related, it was made up. idk why, but yeah.

@Donovanesque: Really? That I would never have guessed.

@neisseria: lol I do the same. Might be awkward, but still better than getting it wrong.

@DigThatFunk: Yeah, that's what really annoyed me about that article. Evidently they didn't think her message ("lol I like awkward clothes, too bad.") was deep enough, so they tried to make it fit into feminism... and failed. Oh well.