Yeah, I am trying to figure this one out considering you pay sales taxes for where you LIVE and not where you buy.
Wow, I thought I was the only one that had a car problem! Glad to know I am not the only insane one that looks at buying used cars as a “lease” opposed to actually buying them. Yes, I know I’m “throwing” money away by trading in cars so often, it is my only hobby as you mentioned. I don’t go out partying, I don’t…
It really depends on how tall the person is sitting in the front seat. The Focus seats can be pulled forward pretty far giving the back bench plenty of space. However, for myself, being the driver, at 6'1", my seat is all the way back. At that point, there is about 1-2" from the back of the drivers set to the bench…
Hmmm, I JUST ordered an Alienware 13R2 with 8gb of ram, 3.1ghz i7 dual core processor and a GTX960M with the intent of using it for travel and buying the graphics amplifier down the line.
You can also buy a 2015 ST with the ST3 package and it will come in at just under $31k MSRP. So, for $5k more, a larger engine that produces more power with AWD is a hell of a deal. I just purchased a ‘15 ST3 for $26,750 OTD w/ 0% financing to give you an idea of the pricing on those.
Let’s hope they will allow users to start playing on IOS first and then port over their work to Android. Seems a lot of developers like to keep things separate and not allow users to switch between devices (and operating systems).
Don't watch terrible movies. Guess so
AMS is in West Chicago, IL. Try again.
I'm the same way. I was cross shopping a brand new 14 ST to a used 2010 Raptor with 50k. One was $29k and one was $32. Salesmen thought I was nuts, but whatever—toys be toys.
This just shows how bad ass the 2003-2005 Neon SRT4's where. I bought mine for $18k out the door and it was such a steal of a deal.
Having a Raptor myself, I can tell you the light output from the OEM headlights is absolutely terrible. When you are going off-road, you want to see as much in front of you as absolutely possible to ensure that you have enough time to react if a unexpected obstacle is coming. They might look "tacky", but are life…
You win the internets today.
Sorry, build quality to me goes further than cosmetic items.
Being a Corvette owner myself I would have to disagree with your comments. I am impressed with the car, but I use it for what it was meant for. The seats aren't the best and the interior isn't anything to write home about, but that doesn't matter when you are beating the hell out of the car.
Funny how that happens. I have a launch 360 and a elite that still function perfectly.