
That dude looks like an asshole and sounds like an asshole... he was probably being an asshole.

That's awesome that the "race car" can go a breakneck 50mph and only takes 4 months to go 13,000 miles. Most impressive.

@tundraboy: The stupidest fucking thing about this is.... a suicide bomber could pack C4 up his rectum and blow up any street corner or building, why don't we have nakie scanners on every street corner? What exactly makes a plane so different from a bus when you get right down to it?

Sometimes I miss floppies... Not because they're slow, small, and completely unreliable, but because it forced developers to be efficient with their development. Since the floppy died, it seems like even small, single-purpose programs are reaching gigabyte proportions.

From now on, you'll have to refer to me ash "Shid, Lord of the Flame."

Cool, you just turned a touchscreen into a regular screen.

@Ian Logsdon: You just have to play it for a couple hours—you'll either love it or hate it. The best way I can describe it is that it appeals to your inner fort-building kid. Want a castle? Build a castle! Merely a spot for imagination and experimentation.

@B@tM@n: Very well put! The only thing that I disagree with is that Android isn't "all the way there." There's really nothing that I'm missing on Android, and about the only thing that iPhone users can hold over my head is that damned beautiful Unreal 3 Engine Demo. There's really not much that I can say about that


@krom: You don't have to own these to be an audiophile anymore than you need to own a Ferrari to be an auto enthusiast.

@krom: Really dude? I think I made a relatively constructive point here—there are hundreds of these systems that are hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the only reason that people will actually buy them is because of the absurd price tag. There's no reason that something that sounds good needs to cost that much.

@TangoTangoLima: I wouldn't put it past myself, really. I'm pretty stupid for a smart person.

@Bant: Electric Burger: Yeah... I don't really understand the point of all that secrecy... it's not like a news leak on a piece of open source software is really going to hurt them.

@SkipBlue: Haha it would be worth it. Though they're probably paying for these things with ticket revenues... doh!

@krom: == dick

If any of these tries giving me five tickets, I will blow it sky fucking high. End of story.

Argh. Plastic ANYTHING just doesn't sound good. I'm sure some asshole will buy these, and he probably won't be disappointed.... but this level of arbitrary extravagance is just frustrating to me.

@baldbeaver: Project "long bong" is GOOOOO!