
@blyan-reloaded: Aren't they saying it's a dot after you learn how to use it? Regardless, I still don't think this is a good idea.

@geolemon: I still find myself frustrated with Swype at times... there are some letter combinations that look identical to swype, and it has this downright awful habit of automatically memorizing gibberish if you accidentally mess up a word. It often makes me want to punch infants, so I end up going back to the

@teshxx: I hate iPhones. Your comment is still stupid.


He can read?

@SpikeJnz - Shomer Shabbos: Good call on How to Train Your Dragon... I can admit that was actually worth seeing in 3D—The chase scenes were especially awesome.

@Sobutosu: I think you're on to something there... I would have some crazy shit on my camera roll if I were to do this :-P

There's a GoPro 3D?!? Those guys have it WIRED. I'm grabbing one in the next couple of months, only thing that worries me about those is the sound capabilities.... Can't imagine that they'd be too good, but I guess you'd probably want to grab a boom mic if you're doing anything production anyway

@snownpaint1: I have no need to continue arguing a point of which you have no understanding. You're upset with "Goggle", we get it. You don't know how the technology works, so I can understand why you might jump to conclusions about their wrongdoing. But do us all a favor and learn how WiFi works before posting

@snownpaint1: It's now clear that you're just being asinine because you don't know what you're talking about.

@snownpaint1: That's a bit of a stretch... My point is that stealing something requires knowingly committing wrongdoing. I said trespassing to pander to your example. Regardless, I don't think that there's anything that demands you return lost property. Obviously, this is the most moral alternative, but I don't

@snownpaint1: So they're supposed to go out of their way and spend their money to make sure that you're taking responsibility for your own security?

In other news..... Google is the third largest provider of email services in the world. I'm betting those devious sonsofbitches have some of your emails SOMEWHERE.... WHYIAUGHTA!!

@i ♥ Tofu: He gets a heart for being on the fence!?! No fair!

@SKiTz: Fair enough :-P

@Kirkaiya: Amen to the Clinton statement... regardless of political stance, a national surplus in another 10 years sounded pretty good to me.

@Lord_Data ∞: This isn't "the internet," this is "an internet company," which, last I checked, is based in the real world. In this world, Google's actions are legal. That is the point. I tend to agree with xaronax... regardless of how big the deficit is, fueling the fire won't fix the problem.

@David Schripsema: How do you figure? Your logic makes no sense, as nowhere in ANY of their terms of services do they state that by using their services you are surrendering your interests in your data and allowing Google to sell it.