
Shady?? Are they to opt to give 17 times more on taxes because it makes it "less shady" albeit no more legal??

@SKiTz: The point was the lock animation

@kozjegyzo: I think he was being facetious...

@rathat: Well, after a couple weeks of using Ubuntu maverick, I will never go back to Windows again. 7 has some cool, usable UI features (dare I say, better than Apple's—if you don't LOSE the windows, then you don't really need expose!), but at the core of it, it's still windows, and it still eventually becomes


Nice and innovative UI, but it seems like that's all it's touting.

@leGodt: Does GPU stand for Gizz Pants Unit?

This thing looks outrageously expensive. and what's the point? If you want real variables, put it in the real world. They could have spent a tenth of the money putting gps/gyroscopes/accelerometers on every one of their employee's cars and gotten actual, real-world information.

@cleptomaniac: Adjustments?? The organs are still made of meat, what kind of adjustments would they be making?

@zelannii: Did you miss the other 17 inches of signature or something? Haha

@Aquifel: Haha really?? We'll see how much power it uses when you're finger is shorted to its metal housing.

@ender89: I think I'm just going to buy a metal desk, short the whole thing to neutral, and just run ONE wire to everything, it just seems so much cleaner.

@ddhboy: Soooooo she's magically actually naked? Somehow I think you're both getting and missing the point at the same time... weird.

@SkiBum1207: Wait wait wait. You're telling me that you're at a SCHOOL and grabbing almost half a gigabit at near-zero latency? And it still has a 4.3 rating? I call photochop.

What is with all of these 99% not funny nor relevant photo follow-ups in the comments section? Sure, I can go find an image that may be 5% related and post it—but I don't, because it's OBNOXIOUS. Hint. Hint hint.

@Frequenter: By creating a false necessity?