when will the political temper tantrums cease?
when will the political temper tantrums cease?
It’s especially fucking galling given that a whole bunch of writers on this network of sites repeatedly trashed Silver for predicting anything less than a Clinton blowout. Here’s Magary on this blog about six weeks ago:
As a Johnson voter, I really regret not voting Trump in my swing state that went blue. Most Johnson voters would’ve voted Trump, stop assuming every 3rd party voter was in the bag for Clinton. Nothing would have changed the outcome. Trump’s gonna make America great again, get fucking used to it bro.
Maybe you should have done something about the electoral college before the election if you really cared?
Anyone who was actually “hoping” for an upset (beyond like... yeah ok if it happened it’d be possibly a good thing with many consequences but it’s not going to happen so whatever) is so out of touch with reality they probably voted for Jill Stein.
Pennsylvania’s electoral votes went to Trump. The comment does indeed reflect reality.
If only somebody in Flint gave the Clinton Foundation money....
All they did is show us the emails. We read them and made our decision. Quit whining, you graceless pieces of shit.
It’s easy enough to attack him without deliberately misconstruing his words.
“He will hold a press conference Friday at 2:15 p.m. before he leaves for his annual family vacation to Hawaii.”
This is still based on anonymous sources that Glenn Greenwald already tore to shreds as far as I can tell. When will we get some real information in these stories, or does the news just have to cite earlier news until it develops itself into truth? I am getting sick of being played by the powerful and baiting me into…
Whyyyyyy does this keep happening?
Who is shocked by this, other than progressives who wanted it to be true since it paints Trump supporters in a bad light?
well, every single campaign metric minus the electoral college. like. the one that matters.
Personal life lesson for 2016- believe no poll. Five thirty eight blog you cut me the deepest.
The majority of Americans went, “You go ahead and vote. We’re good with whatever you pick”, so yes, whether they realized it or not, this is exactly what the majority of Americans chose.
This is so dumb. We have an electoral college, so candidates campaign around that. If it was a popular vote the campaign trail would look dramatically different. So, we have no idea who would have won a popular vote, if that’s what mattered.
Hey Deadspin, you accidentally posted someone’s shitty Reddit comment as an article.
“As Donald Trump met with Kanye West today in Trump Tower, Syrian regime forces bolstered by our new friends in the Kremlin are completing what a UN official called “the complete meltdown of humanity” in the nearly fallen rebel-held city of Aleppo.”— Help me out here. What was Barack Obama doing today? Yesterday? The…