
Fucking Democrats...what a bunch of snakes.

Hey Jordan Sargent finally left Deadspin in 2016.

That panda had a hell of a lot more sex than you Aimee.

Why do you hate Andy Dalton so much?

Must be hard to just re-post other news articles all day and call yourself a web site

Putin just owned Obama. Wish we would have had a strong President for the last 8 years.

And in 4 years, when your life is basically just the same as it is now, you’ll still be writing shitty politicalsports articles, and you will realize what a fear monger you really are.

You Don’t Mess With the Zohan.

I feel ready to boycott men altogether right now...

Yeah we get it. Bernie lost. Time to move on.

Yup. Won’t accomplish a thing.

I actually enjoyed her role in Blues Brothers....that rocket launcher and flame thrower were awesome.

I wager it would come out about 50 / 50. Of course, if you only read Gizmodo Media, it will certainly lean left.

Wow, Evan Rachel Wood is smoking hot. Imagine waking up next to that every morning.

“As far as I can tell, Trump has zero experience on this,”

Its almost like this site hates men? Those bat-shit crazy females.

If you actually had genuine hope this would come out any other way than im sorry to say that you are an idiot.

Did you know all 20 PA Electors today voted for Trump? This will be the norm in every state he won. Get used to it.

You can be optimistic, and completely unhinged at the same time. Prepare yourself for bitter disappointment.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">All of Pennsylvania&#39;s 20 electoral votes have been officially cast for Trump <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Michael Tracey (@mtracey) <a