Factual* Statement

Counterpoint: don’t do this. Unless you have reasons to want to get a replacement inside warranty period, ignorance is bliss when it comes to burn-in patterns. If you can’t see it during regular viewing, doing this will just make you aggravated for no reason.

I know with all the comments I’ve made here in support of actual democracy and peaceful protest I’m a dead man walking if DJT and his cronies decide to go totalitarian on us. Because I’m sure the people who own this place would barf up that data to appease the fascists faster than you can say “Woah.”

Seems like the most passive-agressive move by a corporation, ever.  “Sue us for the fire?  Fine!  We’ll make sure it never happens again!”

If you would have told me three years ago that we would be discussing a lawsuit involving Elon Musk, pedophiles, underwater tubes, a phony P.I., and South African insults, I would have totally believed you.


Art Deco cars from the 30s definitely take the cake for best use of suicide doors.

Why wait?

Make the left and right guards each a different color.

They should design them to dissolve.

here, let me help everyone with the math... 

Many people clearly thought she was mentally disturbed“

kamikaze mission straight into the side of schmuck mountain

Just sent $50 more to Warren. Hell, yes. This is the best revelation ever: Elizabeth Warren fucks. You are damn straight it fucking slaps. 

Hope that means I can get a good deal on a Tacoma

My retirement plan includes dying in the climate wars, so yeah...

kill yourself

Ideally by voting out DJT in one year.

I don’t know why this irks me so much because the mighty Goog is notorious for this behavior, but...

It’s so depressing to me to read about the optimism we had about atomic energy in the 1950s and find myself in 2019 getting power from friggin’ coal while countries talk about decommissioning the few reactors they actually have.

People still do this? What the fuck.