
Hush, you. He’s a brilliant lyricist, magnetic frontman, and endearingly obnoxious media personality who happens to have cultivated some appalling political views over the past 30 years.

Okay but can we also talk about him getting a mandatory sentence of 19 years for stealing a cell phone? Like in what world is that a proportional punishment?

I’m convened Hollywood is trying to erase any evidence of Brendan Fraser with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and now Tom “The Dummy” Cruise

No, she had breast reduction surgery because she was having back problems. BRS isn’t always some sexual image and identity thing.

I think we can all agree that Pratt is the worst of the Chrises.

Everything I imagine about dating a chef comes from The Devil Wears Prada, which means it involves someone making you late-night gourmet grilled cheese whenever you’re sad about work. Sign me the fuck up.

John asked me on a date many years back, I was 25 or so and he was... hot. Literally, as he had just pulled off from his bike ride for a coffee. As he drank, as he does, he crossed his legs and said, “I made $900,000 last year, want to go out with me?

Efficiently??? This is like the fourth time he’s been embroiled in essentially the same scandal. Huma has the patience of a Saint, frankly.

What did she do, exactly? I have seen no evidence of her doing anything untoward. She didn’t campaign for the Oscar she won, she spoke out about unfair treatment, unequal pay—you know, the things women, especially Black women, are supposed to just accept. Maybe it isn’t smart and it certainly isn’t “playing the game,”

Dave Chappelle shouldn’t be embarrassed about saying we should give Trump a chance. I think you should always give people the opportunity to do their job and prove themselves. In this case, Trump has proved that he’s a wildly inconsistent, bizarre, childish man with impulse control issues.

I completely get Amy on this. I worked in the service industry and I’ve also been suuuuper poor. I’m rich now, not like Amy rich, but I can pay all my bills, go out to eat, and still put money in savings every month rich (so solidly middle class). I’m a generous tipper. I’ve been known to leave a $50 tip on a $30

You can live a healthy life and still get cancer. Or MS or ALS, or several other diseases. Or, you know, get in a car accident.

What a brazen play to be appointed Secretary of Eugenics. Heard the position is still open.

like, this was my rent, which I just spent on this thing that’s not happening.

I live in Montana and people here absolutely hate him. His failed bid for the governorship was embarrassing to the entire state.

I cackled like a loon for like seven minutes after she pulled a whitey and got sick in that restaurant

Shout out to Loreen who was for sure the star of this episode and, had some of the best moments of the season.

Oh good, because I ate an entire pizza two days ago. Feeling better about my food choices.