
I just start crying at random. I am giving you a big internet hug...

As I’m comforting my Muslim spouse as she sobs about what this means for her, I don’t have time for nausea. I just want her to be okay. I want to live in a place where an interfaith lesbian couple with disabilities aren’t seen as the enemy. I’m tired of our lives hanging in the balance every goddamn election because

Oh fuck off, Sarandon. A) It’s actually shitty and sexist if you to imply that women voting differently than you are doing so because their little lady brains can’t handle voting for a reason other than “that one has boobs too.”

I don’t think Donald goes down there. That’s for grabbing only.

Maybe her response is banal, but the challenges she faced to get to the point of dressing her kids up like pumpkins certainly can’t be compared to Blake Lively et al.