
That's what Rick's been slowly getting round to and it pretty much works.

I am glad for that given the 5 Doctors was way better than the actual 50th special.

Please no, we have enough circle glasses because of Lennon, I don't wanna see any more British nerds wearing those.

Let's not forget this was the same episode in which the Doctor has a cup of tea, points out that there's no reason for him to have it, and then it just disappears. Some over-zealous fans might call that a fuck-you, but it is pretty clear Mofftat hasn't cared about logic in years with this show and you just gotta roll

You make it sound like Adam and James would know how to redirect a site like that.

I love Her, but I would say it gets a lot of parallels to 500 Days of Summer, I haven't seen that film, but from what I've heard it gets a lot of lonely guys watching it thinking that whole MPDG is what will save them from their dull, depressing lives. But both films are about learning to find love in yourself enough

Despite being British and living in Liverpool for a couple of years, I really can't stand the Beatles. I can stand a lot of the actual music, but I just don't like any of the singing.

Have you ever been in a fight, you must've seen some on the school ground back in the day? The average person does not know how to punch at all, they will swing as hard as they can and miss by at least a foot.

This is what slow motion is for, you ever seen such intense finger wagging?

Not being able to die would make him fearless.

But that's all intentional. Like I certainly wouldn't say he's unfunny, but you mention Hey Nong Man, all the best jokes from that came from his shortcomings; not hearing people right, and mispronouncing words. I've had this talk with someone else and we both agree that him being a general doofus really allows all the

Wait, so he transferred his own DNA into her and that made her evil… so he's evil?

At the very least I'm guessing the actual narrative intent of all this is how the company is exploiting these advanced machines into really weird kink stuff while they may actually have sentience.

Huh, so we got the rules of "no guide", "don't go in there", "spirits cannot rest there", "cannot go in by yourself", "do not leave the path", "you cannot stay after dark", "people see bad things", "you get paranoid"… what is this, Beetlejuice? We have such a thorough handbook of shit that seems to legitimately

It's the perfect combo, just an extended scene of Cage having to walk over hot coals. We get plenty of ultra close up feet action AND Nic frenzied screams.

"As these rhythmic dancers of the night transform into the mythical vampire creatures of darkness, it assures only my belief that nature is a cruel bitch."

Eh, I've always been on the side of moustaches, his face just looks incomplete. I find that as long as you have a sense of style and wear nice clothes when you're out and about, you can pull it off, the moment you go back to casual clothes though is when the weird look starts creeping back.

Bit greedy to be going straight for that second Emmy.

My main problem with him is this is all he does, just pander to the audience by either nostalgia or just silly gimmicks for celebrities. I mean, when people see these clickbait snippets, is anyone really excited to see what Fallon brings to it? He's consistently the least funny part in all his shticks.

Given he's slowly dipping into comedy with Parks and Rec, and Rick and Morty, I would hope for the eventual cameo on Bojack Horseman as Werner Wartzog.