
They have said this season is going to have some references/connections with Army of Darkness finally. Maybe time travel to save Pablo? They could save him and fuck everything else up in the timeline which would be fitting given how Ash bungles it in the season 1 finale.

Glenn's actually said himself that Dennis isn't a killer, that he thinks the character is far more funnier and pathetic if he's just this ordinary sad guy who has no idea how insane he sounds.

I haven't read the comics myself but I know at one point he just yells 'BURN!' at a bunch of people and they explode into flame. Spontaneous combustion, I guess, but still quite extraordinary.

In response to your other comment which I can't seem to reply to: Quincannon said himself he's no Christian, with his little speech about letting down his family and having to run his business, I'm sure he sees himself as God and Jesse's command to serve caused his sudden shotgun set-up. Along with the danger shown

We've already seen Angels can just appear when killed, it makes sense that the powers of Hell can just disappear Eugene. Cass doesn't have any power that could allow him to fly.

The reviewer's said before they haven't read the comics so that's just a guess. But I agree with the comments, people down here are constantly just talking openly about the comic events.

Because he believes in a very different God than Jesse does, it all becomes very graphically grossly clear in the comics from what I've heard.

Nope. It does have a name and it is it's own unique thing.

Kristian's been chilling with fans for ages, he's done podcasts and appearances for years just because he likes hanging out with people. He even came to our uni for a DJ gig, because he's just cool like that.

Ooh, nice! One definite benefit this has over Lightworks is 1080p for free, in 2016 that's kind of a make or break for popular videos.

Okay, quick comparison ask for anyone if they know, how does this stack up against other editing suites? I use the free version of Lightworks which has a lot to it but it's bloody complicated.


Is this episode a D+, I think it's better than that, but I still preferred season 1. I'd say the secondary cast were all over the place this time round, Frank started off really, really strong but just went nowhere at the end and barely played part in the finale, Elektra came in brash and free-spirited but just became

The weirdest thing is that this damn movie should become a '70s cop show! Let Nixon give Elvis his special agent badge and fight crime.

I've always wanted a show like this, with the kicker being that true to their concerns in the historical event… yes, the Beatles are the villains.

I hope his civilian name before he became Botcop was Robert Cop.

The Boris zip line one is amazing with him asking for help and then the zoom in.

To be fair, Hell totally exists in the Marvel-verse so he's got something legit to be afraid of.

I don't think I've seen a single thing with him in it, aside from Spider-Man 1. It was actually Joe himself who joked he should just play himself, which whether or not you know him, seems to help how naturally sweet he plays it.

I'm so glad other people are noticing that, I actually really appreciated how pure and genuine the connection felt between them, I think this could actually be a great example for children to watch and feel fine with being 'that' friendly with other friends.