
wow what if god bans u

My husband woke up during Sia’s second song and said “that’s the funniest skit SNL has had for a while; it looks like your “interpretive dance”, ha ha ha.......” . When he realized that it wasn’t a bit he silently went to bed.

Congratulations on having no sense of fun.

The problem with your character having whatever personality, backstory, etc that you want is that the game was then not able to ever react to any of that, really. The story had to be as bland and generic as possible to allow whatever you made to fit in, so character development wasn’t really possible. And that

I can already see the trademark Bethesda quirks in the leaked videos. Is it really that hard to get a proper third person camera? The animations still look subpar and the scene with the dog casually walking around while on fire had me laughing.

“This is exactly the mobile game from Nintendo we wanted!” -Said no one ever

When Version 5.0 comes out and they finally disable that useless MMO feature and let you play the game it should have always been...I’ll play it


You mean like in Beta? Which Legacy of the Void is in...

It’s basically a warm up exercise. The further you get into the game the more of those key presses are actually doing something. This early in the game a lot of the key presses are just to keep your fingers moving but it gets you ready as your base becomes larger.

I’ve played all the Halo campaigns and enjoyed most of them. In general, I preferred the ones I played through in co-op, which I did for Halo 3 and Reach. The first is a classic, of course, though I suspect parts may not have aged well. There are a lot of echoes of 2 in this one in terms of character switching and a

Your opinion is objectively wrong and you should feel bad about it.

So it’s Battlezone? Why does no one remember that game...

The NES was the first game system I ever owned. I remember playing it for the first time when I was six years old with games like the first Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and Contra. Since that time I’ve never stopped playing video games, and I hope I never will. Happy birthday!

Can I ask a question that might get me in trouble?

Oda is the best manga author ever. One Piece is greatness. Oda-san is my inspiration.

We hate them in Hearthstone as well.