
100% spot on

For a less popular show such as this I'm not surprised they didn't have many copies. While it is not on prime instant video and I'm not sure how you feel about paying for digital only content it is still worth noting that Amazon does have the third season in this format for $13. However you end up watching it, enjoy.

While you are probably right, I am holding out hope that an online provider (Netflix, Amazon) will recognize its brilliance in the coming years. Either way, worst case scenario we got 2 great shows and 7 amazing seasons. I call that a win.

When you put it like that… Yes. I did say "irrational"

I think someone used the argument that he did what he did because after living through what had happened and seeing what humanity had become, that they didn't deserve another chance, especially if that meant the life of Ellie. I personally don't believe this is why he made his choice, maybe it's how he justified it to

Yes, he definitely lied, but I was referring not to the ambiguity of the ending but rather that it made consider whether he did the right thing? would you have done the same? why do you think he did what he did?

Yeah, she's definitely the most boring character, in a similar regard to how Batman is a one-dimensionally dull superhero.

I think you're far off on the ending of both, in my opinion they had two of the stronger finishes in recent memory.

I understand your frustration, but I think there are two possible explanations as to why they left it out. The first being that they wanted each fan to decide what it meant for themselves, which I completely agree with as an ending that means whatever you want it to mean it almost always better. The other reason is

Amazing series, never thought this would compare to the original, boy was I wrong. While I'm sad to see it off the air it's probably for the best, all great shows should end at their peak. Here's to hoping that 5 or so years from now Bryan and Micheal hope to come back to this wonderful universe they have created with