
What's the hottest take that you genuinely believe? Could be politics, sports, pop culture, anything.

Oh for sure, man

Genocide is the intentional action to systematically eliminate an ethnic, national, racial, or religious group. The word is a combination of “genos” (race, people) and “cide” (to kill).[1]

If you are Palestinian, prove that he wasn't.

Well one exists...

When it is the exact opposite of everything he said, yes it does

So do you support Muslims whose families are slaughtered by Israel or the US to join ISIS or Hamas?

You just concern trolled the holocaust

Saying “All Lives Matter” is being willfully ignorant. I am pointing out the hypocritical flaws in an alleged hero

No, but it is to be discussed—which no one has done. It is just as much of Wiesel’s legacy as anything else.

Fuck him. I will not stand for praise for a man who has claimed that my family does not exist and should have none of the rights he fought for. He failed to provide my family with decency and respect. I will pay it forward.

And the Roma and gay people in the Holocaust, but you will just get ignored or dismissed for bringing this up.

Especially relevant because he supported oppressors like Israel and US interventionism in the Middle East. Wiesel was an asshole

As someone who supported the Iraq War, Israeli occupation of Palestine, war with Iran, and denying rememberence for gay and Roma holocaust victims, peace is the last thing I wish Mr. Wiesel.

It’s too bad that he became the propaganda wing for Israel’s nazi-esque tactics

Agreed. Wiesel emplufies man’ duality better than anyone. A brilliant mind and writer who became a shill for illegal occupation and wars in his old age.

Read about him, Israel, and Palestine. He became an asshole of the highest order

Mouthpieces for illegal imperialist regimes should not be mourned.

So we are all going to pretend that Wiesel wasn’t also an anti-Palestinian piece of shit?