Making a movie about it?
Making a movie about it?
I don’t know, Trump always seems so Fragile.
If I understand her thoughts on homeopathy, getting one percent of the vote is more of a mandate than one hundred percent.
I can’t help but think we already live in a police state, and that’s the way Clinton wants it.
Hey man, I wend and wind where you take me.
I let others decide what’s worthy of a mic drop.
Your list is incomplete. The answer would be ISIL (or Daesh), followed by the Mujahedeen, followed by that prick that cut them off in traffic, the US, and lastly the government of Iraq.
You mean to say not in a preponderance and at a volume to your satisfaction, surely.
Well, I think it’s just particularly resonant for her. Her research for the remake of Don’t Look Now probably gave her a completely different impression of Donald Sunderland.
Please put this to the sweet sweet melodies of Quiet Riot.
Terrific username.
The Matrix and other Kung Fu movies are exactly what came to my mind. He fights like The Chosen One, raw, unpolished, like he just finished the training montage. Some technique, but backed with the clout of Destiny.
In Maryland there definitely is.
Yeah, affable. Like Nixon and Gore.
See, that’s the problem right there. That’s not humor. And you don’t know what homophobic means.
In this day and age, it’s more than a little pretentious to not be pretentious.
It wasn’t obvious. Your pathetic appeal to populism leaves you indistinguishable from an absolute brute.
This right up there with Connery’s “I’m only gonna use my thumb."
Unless you’re counting you and your friends as stand-up comedians, your numbers are way off.