
Of course not, because “psychic benefits” or something.

She’s connected, that’s all. The 1% (by definition) only know so many people. And the Invisible Hand is a fickle trickster God, so she’s not really accountable for her failures; that’s the poors fault, for not having jobs/income to blow on shitty products from a shitty company.

But she’s learned so much! Imagine what she could learn (do) with the actual levers of Democracy and the global economy. C’mon, it’ll be brief but...exciting.

Do you suppose it’s like some sort of Skinneresque thing? Like, escaping with the golden parachute triggers some sort of dopamine rush; so, she thinks she actually achieved something?

Because art.

Wait, it wasn’t Sign O’ the Times?

Simple helps the allergic, for sure.

Nevermind, I think I got it scrambled with York County.

I read 87. Split the difference?

Tell me that’s Gaelic.

To your credit, it’s the county that least represents MD. It’s Baltimore County without the street cred. All the tut-tutting, with no skin in the game. It’s like 90% White and might as well be South Pennsylvania made good.

No kidding. ;-)

When’s South Park back? Can't wait.

Like everything else in his life that can’t defend itself; Floyd abuses the rules. You might as well blame the cops and judges for the beatings he’s delivered. Morality determines the law. Obedience is not a virtue.

It has everything to do with it. Mayweather goes through more tomato cans than Mario Batali.

You spelled “Scott” wrong.

Wait, that’s a real thing? I always thought the Fight Night games were trolling me.

Double halo?! What does it mean?!

Well, now I’ve got a new euphemism for baby batter.

Do you really think/she’ll pull through?