
Some people don't like her because she performed for a dictator. Her reps said she didn't know he was a dictator or something like that.

Did you accidentally click on the "A new Kinja experience is coming soon!"

Excuse me, but what the fuck is up with all the people jumping down this dude's throat for kicking a cat WHILE IT WAS ATTEMPTING TO MURDER HIS BABY.

Apparently some of the jurors did believe me, but didn't feel they could do much. There was a woman sitting in the back of the court room visibly upset, and I had no idea who she was. Apparently, when they were selecting jurors they asked if any of them had been sexually assaulted (because that might bias the jurors's

As someone who used to be a legal advocate for sexual assault and domestic violence victims, I am sad but super not surprised by this.

oh look, yet another man is getting to make a decision about a woman and her rape. i am so sick and tired of men getting to have almost all the say about what happens to our bodies!! lately, it has been one ignorant asshole after another making the most stupid, uneducated, horrible comments regarding various issues

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ.

Yeah my sexual assault case was handled somewhat similarly in another county in Georgia. The judge told the jury that I was lying and the case was a waste of everyone's time. She even read the newspaper during my testimony. The perpetrator was found not guilty. A year later he confessed to other sexual assaults and

I once had the fortune of doing home care for a young adult with Down's, who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child. A decade after the abuse stopped, she still had a hard time comprehending what happened to her, and due to the nature of the abuse (it was a step-family member) she actually believed it was normal.

The victim did not appear in court with her clothes torn, ashes on her head, crying over her lost virtue and her unmarriageable status as damaged goods, therefore she can't be a real victim./sarcasm

So, a singer who's made her name based on her 'authenticity,' her unwillingness to sell out, her anti-commercial and anti-materialistic attitude, has signed a deal to sell, not music, but make-up? mkay... gotta make your money when you can, I guess.

And yet I do research on cancer treatments, and get paid pretty much nothing for it.

Some of the ones here on Jez aren't much better. So fucking depressing.

lol wut

No. Because the absence of "No" =/= "Yes". Don't be a trolling bastard.

That's not how consent works bro.

Wow, I can't believe she was brave enough to report the assault to the police, after a police officer himself assaulted her. I'm not sure I'd be able to do that. I hope she gets the justice she deserves.

Not the first time he did this. Maybe not even the first time reported.

You don't just wake up one day and become a rapist. What else has he done?

Shouldn't it be a Snormouse?