
Why would you believe a troll that answers every comment with notes about how busy he is, "means well"? You must be the kindest soul in the universe to extend that thought.

Large. Diameter matters also. I think I will go find a prostate cancer blog and share this now. It would be funnier if I expected thanks as respect, as dudebro does.

LOL "I have time to post notes from my penis but I ain't got time to read your article!" right.

There's nothing wrong with having a preference. We all have preferences: for penis sizes, for breast sizes, for hair colors, etc.

Thanks for this! I hate getting inundated with the "real women have curves" brigade. I have a big ass, but I have tiny titties. Am I not a real woman? One time I told an older woman that I was "pear shaped", and she said "No, you're woman-shaped". That's silly, but true.

and, as a man, you felt it necessary to interject your opinion on a mostly-female blog on an article about women's body issues. and you see nothing wrong with it; when in fact YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. You and every other man out there that feels it's his god-given right to interject his Opinion on How Women Should Look.

This is basically what you sound like when you say stuff like that:

This is exactly not the place to state your preferences about women's bodies. That is, if you know how to comprehend what you read. Or bothered to read it at all. Which you didn't. So, what you really wanted to do was make sure the internet knows your opinion, lest anyone forget that your (presumably) male opinion

but the preference still exists

Yeah, no, I'm not. I'm not actually getting worked up, but by trying to dismiss me as hysterical, you are confirming everything your tone deaf posts have already told me. And it's not nothing, it's an entitled dude coming into a conversation women are having to inject his worthless opinion, and being an aggressive

Dude, no one is "crucifying" you. Some women are trying to explain what's wrong with what you said, and you're basically going WAHHHHHHH WHY IS EVERYONE PICKING ON MEEEEEEE I'M A FEMINIIIIIIIISTTTTT. Drop your dukes and actually read the responses.

"I apologize if you took offense," ouch! That is NOT an apology. Sorry, I believe you mean well but you are stepping in it a bit today.....

So you're too busy to read blogs, but you're not too busy to write comments that are needlessly bodysnarking?

I fought off outright insults and implicit attacks to my physical make-up — verbal jabs, dismissals, and off-the-cuff remarks that ultimately reminded me that my femininity, physical beauty, and overall appeal had been sized up entirely by my deficiency to hold up a particular idealized notion of womanhood.

When I was 13 I was a 36c. My boobs felt like they grew overnight . I remember having them be off limits to guys because I felt so self conscious about them "you can touch me anywhere but my boobs." I felt like they were floppy and clumsy.
I remember trying on prom dresses with my mom and crying because nothing seemed

I don't think this topic gets enough play. We spend so much time talking about the "thin" beauty ideal, while ignoring that breasts are a huge huge part of "attractiveness". Large, well shaped, perky breasts. I don't think people realize that women who do not have large breasts face their fair share of

Thanks for sharing this great article on Jezebel! I hope the conversation is not majorly hacked by women with large breasts.

The arrogance never ceases to amaze me on that front. I like to remind those dudes, "Do you really think we women breathe a sigh of relief because you, one person on the entire planet, has approved one of my physical characteristics to be 'okay' with you?"

The good news is, now a bunch of dudes are going to show and state their boob preferences. If you are lucky, maybe they'll like your boobs. Then your life will be complete and the conversation be over. Can't wait.

I've always been small-breasted too, and never wanted them to be bigger. People tried to bully me about it in high school/college but gave up when they realized that I honestly thought that small boobs were a good thing. I like having small boobs and not being able to find bras that aren't designed to make them look