
It is the right version. Thiel backed Hulk Hogan in a lawsuit against Gawker over a sex video made by Hogan’s best friend Bubba the Love Sponge. The [Florida] jury awarded Hogan $140 million in damages (later reduced to $35 million, but only after the damage was done to Gawker and owner Nick Denton). A tawdry tale all

Seriously can we get some Soros money on this?

I can’t fucking stand that corpulent, conspiracy peddling, bulldog jowled, balding, paranoid, small dicked, unstable, proudly stupid, retrograde, racist, sexist, man tit having, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, truthphobic, sociopathic, snake oil selling, blood sucking, gun stroking, jiggling bullshit salesman

Wtf is this

Saw this on twitter and it made me sad.

Alex, when are you gonna get around to apologizing for making sandy hook survivors and family members lives a living hell?

Alex Jones is probably the craziest media person out there. I know most of it is bull but Crazy Days and Nights had an absolutely bananas blind item about Alex Jones. It said that Joaquin Phoenix had to take out a restraining order against him because Alex Jones was convinced he was River Phoenix (his death had been

That jiggling psycho is only apologizing because now infowars is being investigated in the russia thing. He’s not genuinely sorry. Btw Alex, when are you gonna get around to apologizing for making sandy hook survivors and family members lives a living hell?

I would gladly contribute to Alefantis’ legal fund (though where are the left’s billionaire sugar daddies?) if he can take down Alex Jones as Peter Thiel did Gawker. Both sides can play at that game.

I feel like Manafort and Flynn are mentally deranged in a very real way. I get a real tv-preacher-style crazy vibe from both of them.

true....but after this election, I wouldn’t trust a jury of my “peers” at this point. 😔

It was such an elegant trick. Pass a republican health care plan, and then watch them flail trying to oppose it. I wanted single payer, but gotta admit it’s not half bad watching them pretend this wasn’t their best idea in the first place.

Unless you’re taking about slavery. Then it was 1,000 years ago and everyone should shut up it’s over!

Yeah but that’s like a week in Republican years.

This, folks, is the great negotiator, Donald J. Trump, at work. Not hard to see why he’s run so many businesses into the ground....

Sadly, Dearest Leader Drumpf thinks 17% makes a majority.

Never stop reminding Republicans that they had 7 years to come up with a replacement. 7 years.

verrrrry interesting to consider that a poll came out today saying that only 17% of Americans aprove of this stupid thing anyway

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”