
Honestly, if I wanted to be a dick to Nintendo’s lawyers and I still may do that, log into a library, log into my vpn, upload the video to youtube, share to as many forums etc., as I know, set my youtube to link to mega, and all the other filesharing websites and let it propagate across the internet to drum attention.

Word. It is a cool idea. Dunno why anyone would release a Mario-fan-game before finishing it completely though. Or even talk about it.

That sequence with the shark-mouthed ghost devouring the player, that’s basically a real-life representation of Nintendo’s IP legal team in action...


Cr1tikal send like a pretty good person. It’s not really related to the content of this article, but I have watched him off and on for a few months now, and I initially got the impression that he'd be a douche like the Paul brothers, but he's really not. I wish more hugely famous YouTubers like him were around

Are you talking about parallel universes?

You could turn the Skulls on the PC port for Vista

Mythic was in Halo 2. Proof:

like gamefaqs still existed so it is not like finding them was a difficult task and I am almost adamant that mythic most certainly was in halo 2 before MCC. I cant exactly remember how the skulls worked but what do you mean you couldnt enable them? You didnt just collect the skulls and have it affect the rest of your

Both? Both.

I’ll take “go fuck yourself” any day of the week over “I’m rich but bored”.

Blizzard will probably mention this guy in their next earnings report.

This has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard about this situation yet. What’s the point of pay to win if you pay so much you get too good to compete?

“Go fuck yourself”...That’s the human spirit we all need. Nice work. 

A 10th of his diablo barbarian cover the cost of my wedding, travel expenses for the guest included... 

I think that particular problem belongs in the category “Don’t care. Go fuck yourself. Gotta get back to work.”

If you are one of the most popular Youtubers in the entire world, then yes. Most Youtubers don’t make enough money for it to even be worth doing as a full-time job.

I try not to be a jealous person but man... a 10th of what this person spent on a single free to play game would be life changing for me.

Congratulations Blizzard. You managed to make a pay to lose game.