
That is my favorite ad ever.

I watched it without sound because I don’t need Trump’s voice annoying me and I realized he looks hysterical without sound. So much wild gesturing XD

Is it just me or is her pubic hair weirdly positioned?

I don’t have much money to donate but I will donate to this. I know not everyone clicks the links but Enough Said is a link to where you can donate.

A lot of hospitals are very understaffed, especially at night. The nurses that were there may have been in rooms too far away to hear the shot.

This absolutely breaks my heart. No one should ever have to be in a situation where they feel death is the better choice.

I’m glad you saw them because if I hadn’t seen the picture I might have missed them! I usually don’t start looking until the end of November and again right after Christmas, when it’s all on sale.

No problem. I think she’s just bored and trying to get a rise out of you.

It’s generally pretty easy to tell genuine laughter from uncomfortable laughter. They very well could have been mean to her for any number of reasons and were just using her joke as an excuse. It happens all the time. No matter what happened they were out of line trying to talk shit about her to her own mother. She’s

Holy crap, that’s a fantastic price! I definitely need gold and silver, at the very least.

You missed the point entirely. She said it would have been fine if someone had called her out on it instead of everyone pretending to find it funny.

Oooh, that’s a good idea! Even more places to use the paper makes me happy :D I definitely want to get at least one of those little trees. Did you get them at Target?

We don’t usually do very many presents (more if a tax return Christmas, basically) but I love wrapping paper so much that last year I wrapped a whole bunch of different sized, empty boxes for decoration. I can’t wait to find more pretty paper this year =3

My cat also enjoyed watching this. While laying on my chest. She hates my watching something on my cell phone unless she can watch as well.

Nice! I’m glad- no one should be in pain.

It’s terrible that there’s a product that’s supposed to be great for hair but can actually make it fall out! I mean seriously, what the hell?

That’s exactly how I feel. With my health problems, I’d be a goner anyway. Better than using up resources that could go to someone else!

“Maybe if she’s sleepy she’ll forget all about the horrible pain and go home!” Idiots *sigh* You know, I’d be fine with risking addicts getting pain medication instead of denying it to people legitimately in pain. Hell, terminal cancer patients are being under medicated and that is just not ok.

Oh honey, I’m so sorry. I had a lot of hair fall out about 5 years ago (I had it happen after a surgery, which isn’t uncommon but no one warned me it could happen) and I’m still dealing with thinning near my forehead. My hair has always been my favorite feature and I take such good care of it. Three things that have