Ew. Mealy is definitely not a descriptor you want applied to your food. I’m not really a big fan of hot dogs in general (food and I don’t get along all the time, really) so I’m not missing out either way.
You have the patience of a saint.
There’s a difference between “feel that they wronged you”
Obviously this kid needs to be locked up. It bothers me that they’re calling him a man, though, especially considering black kids are viewed by many people as older than white kids. I really feel as if this was a white person we’d be calling him a kid.
I read somewhere recently that even if you opt-in as an organ donor, your next of kin still has to authorize it. I have no idea where I read it or if it’s even true (can anyone confirm or deny?) I was pretty pissed at the thought it could be true. I want to donate when I die and if my family said no, I would haunt…
It’s already been said but it’s worth repeating- saying most women want to be taken care of is bullshit. Don’t assume you can speak for all women.
Excuse me, I have to go puke.
I dunno, it seems pretty cruel to inflict on Mexico...
This is just...glorious.
Let’s hope someone (or more than one person) in Texas DOES sue.
That made me cry. It really hits you in the gut (as it damn well should)
And now I’m stealing that one.
People might back off a bit if she actually seemed sorry.
I would guess it has something to do with how many of those men think of asian women as submissive. They probably think those women then won’t resist their advances (because submissive) and are surprised it doesn’t actually work that way.
I still never get tired of watching him in that. Never.
I just said this but you have gifs so your post is way better.
Even though he spent most of it as a voice, when tween self perferred Devon Sawa in Casper. Worth watching the whole thing for his cute self at the end.