
I’ve lived in a lot of cities across the country, and I can definitively say this about Boston: it’s the most segregated city I’ve ever lived in. I think that, generally speaking, the population is ostensibly progressive and inclusive. But physical segregation begets prejudice, and I think that’s at the core of a lot

Top Secret is severely underappreciated

I’m frustrated because of how little it makes sense for her to want to have this baby. It doesn’t remotely correlate with anything her character has said or done. It’s impulsive and that’s the only thing that is Hannahesque. I will be annoyed if she goes through with it. Unless Elijah is right and they show her being


For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...

Morehouse College President John Wilson, Jr. issued a statement today admitting that over 100 HBCU Presidents went to the White House and all they got was a lousy Instagram photo.

I refused to watch the speech, because obviously, but when I saw the headlines on NY1 this morning with the “press” pivoting to say he was “Presidential” and didn’t pee on any of the carpets, my reaction was, ‘here we go...’

Yes, but let’s be fair here: Trump didn’t soil his diapers (I’m pretty sure he didn’t because I think the microphones would have picked up the diarrhea farts), assault any women or call anyone the “n” word during his speech, so this is definitely a win for him.

I fucking hate that the media does this. That he is even president is THEIR FAULT. They are disgusting.

It’s not stupidity, it’s selfishness. Letting these people claim stupidity is, in a way, letting them off the hook. She knew what Trump was, she just didn’t care when stacked against her rich person interests. Now a response is expected of her when he reveals just what a shit he is and she’s given the bare minimum to,

Oh, man. I know it’d never happen, but I’m absolutely luxuriating in the vision of the Patriots’ WH visit consisting of nothing but Belichick, Kraft, the fancy dog, and a visibly-enraged Trump.

Sometimes—just sometimes—I don’t feel like everyone is a piece of shit.

Say what you want about Colin Kaepernick, but when he made an overt political statement, he answered questions about it. Hell, since “balance” is so important, I’ll say even old Curt Schilling is willing to engage criticism about his expressed political beliefs.

The tale of this country is increasingly becoming a Kafka short story that just sucks really bad.

Since Jane who very much is an ignorant slut dismissed my comment, I’ll repost it here:

Would it be any different if this happened a week from now, in 2017? I can’t wait until the whole “Fuck 2016" thing is over. Bad things never stop happening; 2016 isn’t unique in this sense.

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

Tom: Hey Siri, are you my daughter?

Thank you for posting the longer quote. Related: I’m going to go throw up now