
ESPN was one of the only outlets that I remember having an actual ombudsman like that. Without that sort of position, what kind of processes do other outlets use to evaluate themselves internally? For example, how does Deadspin/GMG make sure you guys aren’t falling prey to the sort of insular thinking that has really

What food is most eaten while preparing a meal? I feel like I eat more Mozzarella than what makes it into whatever I’m cooking.

the premium that contractors charge governments over private clients more than compensates for whatever penalties they inevitably incur when the schedule goes kaput.

Right, but the point is that the attendance bump doesn’t actually boost the local economy. If you build a new stadium and attendance goes from 20,000 to 30,000 season ticket holders, then 50% more attendance. Cool right?

The Great Lakes Science Center (the white building barely visible over the left side of the Pyramid) is a much, MUCH better deal.

He isn’t “owed” anything, no; the Lions took that money back in full accordance with the contract he signed in accordance with the CBA.

The real disappointment with the storytelling of Anakin is that there actually are good, detailed story reasons behind his heel’s just that ALL of those reason are buried in the Clone Wars cartoon and barely referenced in the main movies.

Not to derail, but the “interruption right before a Major Important Discussion” is my least favorite TV framing device. It’s just so ridiculous - a character starts a serious discussion, you begin talking about it, but then something comes up. That’s reasonable enough; in real life, shit does come up - a phone rings,

boasting recently that he persuaded three Republican senators to support the economic stimulus that helped save the country from catastrophe.

Because cellular data caps are still a thing for some people. So Apple is protecting you from unknowingly downloading something massive, then getting hit with huge overage charges.

The only etiquette I can think of is that the patron should go with the first sample they have that they like.

Ohio is pretty infamous for having tons of speed traps and highway patrols.

It’s marked, yeah, but I think NateDogg’s point was that the price they advertise first will often include those discounts. So the ad is like:

Awesome. Definitely looking forward to some follow-up articles when you get the chance. BG is fantastic and deserves some more similar games set in the Forgotten Realms...just not as a direct-sequel to wreak havoc on the excellent storyline of the existing ones.

Yeah, I’m surprised Jason didn’t question or mention this aspect at all.

Yeah, this is the part that’s super weird.

Yeah, and this is the real issue with a lot of these valuations. The numbers that are getting thrown out for future valuations basically require you to get at least a semi-casual market - maybe you don’t need to draw in people who barely follow it at all, but you can’t justify the numbers without only the hardcore

Sure, there’s often a reason for those increases...but that doesn’t really change the advice from the renter’s perspective - you need to know what you’re willing to pay ahead of time and decide based on that. It doesn’t really matter how legitimate (or not) the increase is; the question for me-the-renter remains “How

In my experience, the biggest question to answer is simply:

Is it sad that I know the Pokemon well enough that I identified a typo in the names of them?