
maybe getting their best players loaded just hours before tip-off is all part of Cleveland’s plan to land Zion this summer.

Oh, sure, it’s definitely absurd for a university to be so penny-pinching over a trivial amount.

We might have to agree to disagree on this because I see absolutely no combination of words in the English language that would make me comfortable with a complete stranger driving my car to a bar at midnight on St. Patrick’s Day. It’s not poor communication, it’s something that I would not be okay with no matter what

Maybe it was just cheaper to hire 29 local stand-ins than it would’ve been to bus or fly 20 Colgate students to Columbus and put them up for a night or two.

I think you’re being way too generous here by blaming it on poor communication.

If you want to be optimistic, you can point out that Michigan basketball losing by 19 on national television with the season on the line is still an improvement over Michigan football losing 62-39 on national television with the season.

This is really awesome. Thanks for shining some light on this.

Ah, I see. That’s really helpful. I’ve never been involved with the car industry in any way, so the whole relationship between the dealers and manufacturers is always mysterious and fascinating. Thanks! :)

Follow-up question: How does the “dealer cash” work on the manufacturer’s side from a business perspective?

“They told us, ‘This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing,”


I think the big issue here is simply the fact that the ‘part time’ is only you. So it’s a constant struggle because everybody else related to work (co-workers, boss, clients, subcontractors, vendors, etc) is planning for stuff on their normal schedules, based around the standard 9-5 M-F workweek.

I’m pretty sure you get a minor heart attack simply from looking at that hot dog, never mind eating it.

Baseball Prospectus’s PECOTA projections have the American League Central race being decided by 15 games

Good question. I’d guess the answer would be that anything from about 9 to 12 would get justified as “they just didn’t make it”.

I remembered that too, but I think that’s qualitatively different because it’s only a remote speculative possibility. If the 12th-seeded team completes two straight upsets, then we’ll deal with it, but c’mon guys, nobody has ever made the Final Four as a 12 seed and there’s only ever been one 11 seed to make it that

at my current rate, by the time I’m on social security I may have used enough metal to make a toaster.

Also when are we going to get an article about which recycling centers can handle certain things and some can’t?

According to some news reports I saw, no. The record is apparently 3, which has happened several times.

Two dozen MLB front offices saw this and immediately lied to themselves that this is why they didn’t even attempt to sign an MVP-caliber player in free agency.