Starry Messenger

According to the Berniebro editors(and commenters) at Splinter, the math works like this.....

Read post-colonial novels like Adichie, Achebe, Coetzee, Silko (The Alamanac of the Dead is wonderful), Lahiri, and many others. It’s truly excellent genre that encompasses the conventions of many other genres like sci-fi, fantasy, drama, etc.

This news doesn’t invalidate your thesis—he’s one of apparently many “good guys” on paper who turn out to be misogynist assholes in real life. How does one account for this double existence?

It’s like when people freaked out about Michelle Williams getting a thousand dollars for reshooting her scenes in All The Money in the World (fab ironic title, no?) while Mark Wahlberg got a million.

Eve Tuck’s response is spot on. At this point, it seems like it’s not aberrant behavior but rather just one of many possible options for men look to gain power.

one of the better things about Another Period (which I posted about upthread) is that it spends a lot of time focusing on just how shitty the lives of the servants were when compared to the opulence and splendor of the homeowners.

The Gilded Age was also a time marked by stark poverty and inequality. These period pieces post-Downton always make sure to show us the “nice” rich people who are ignorant, but well meaning, and “take care” of their pet poor people. Very nuanced writing can be expected.

How to Not Die in America

On the second Tuesday in June, I start to feel fluish. If this is 2016 and I’m still a freelance writer, I’m losing

King Johnson, your journal entry is spot-on. Good job.

The “OK” knocked me out. It has to be the the step child of “I said what I said” This child is COMPLETELY unbothered by his teacher. It’s fabulous. And I have been trying to find a way to articulate what my mood for 2018 is and this child found it for me.

The Root’s article was entirely complementary of Richards, I think, whereas this article added a bit of criticism as well by also emphasizing the need for action, not just words. A bit of irony in that? Heh

1. A lot of Jezebel readers don’t read The Root (although they should).

Pretty much the fuel to my initial rage:

Yeah, I’m all for calling it out white people, but like come on... let’s at least shame the white women who didn’t vote. The ones who voted for Trump or Roy Moore are pretty much beyond saving. Like, they voted for those men because they’re racist and proud. We can call them out for it, and their response will be to