Starry Messenger

“I would totally vote for a woman! Just not that woman.”

(who voted Hillary even though I was against her as a person. Better her than this psychopath)

I know the article is about Gillibrand—but I’m way more interested in discussing Kamala Harris—I think she’d be polarizing as fuck, but it’s about time the Left in this country made its fucking peace with being left and stop trying to woo people who are going to vote for Republicans and monsters no matter what every

Bros won’t vote for any woman. They will always find a bullshit reason for why they can’t support her.

Look at the articles on franken that have been posted on splinter. Also, I don’t get the hate on the resistance movement, which is also largely made up of women

It’s almost like there’s something different about Gillibrand and Warren and Harris than someone like Joe Biden or Al Franken. But what could it be? What’s the dividing line here?

Here is the open letter that Latina farmworkers wrote in solidarity with the women of Hollywood:

Haha omg I think you and I were separated at birth, because I did the same thing! I’ve been creeping on all the Reylo tags on tumblr for the past 2 weeks. I even did it at work on my lunch break and prayed nobody came up behind me and saw the NSFW fan art I found

Exhibit A


I never saw it for Adam Driver before, but then I watched the movie and the more I saw him the more I was like:

It was the fight scene with Rey for me. There’s a moment when she starts beating him where he looks genuinely turned on, but also surprised that he’s turned on, and that turns him on even more. Maybe it’s the feminist programming but I am turned on when guys are turned on* by being beaten at stuff by a woman.

All lesbian here too. Would watch them fuck.

TLDR, what this suddenly occurred to you???? Where have you been? Unimportant, scoot in here by me.

I think it’s that aggressive, awkward, raw but genuine honesty that Driver seems to have gift for delivering, verbally and non-verbally, in all of his performances. It’s rather passionate, and makes all of the pink parts happy.

He did the same sort of thing in “Girls”, too. He makes you uncomfortable, he’s a dick,

I mean, Disney got Ron Howard to finish up the Solo movie, so I think they’ve got the “experienced” part down.