Starry Messenger

It continues to boggle my mind that people even struggle with this.

Ha yesss!! I need Ygritte to show up and be friends with Dany.

“Girl, he is stubborn as all hell and he may not know a lot but he does know how to use that tongue so put him to work!”

I swear, if anyone (white people) tells me that they can “vote their conscious” because their state is “safe” and there’s no way Trump can win, I’m just going to smack them.

Yeah I get that it was about Theon figuring himself out, I just think it is too little, too late.

To be honest I don’t care, thats how America works. At least in Europe, the local authority owns/ runs the land your house is built on. Those “rich” folk love capitalism and now its not going their way, boohoo.

This shit is old. It’s just the latest iteration of the stew of white-dude libertarianism, half-baked evo-psych and quarter-baked genetic determinism that was spouted on HN five years ago, Slashdot 15 years ago and Usenet boards 25 years ago. It was embarrassing when it showed up in Eric Raymond’s “Sex Tips For Geeks”

Wow, he’s wrong on a lot of things.

Yep. It’s 2017 and leftists are already convincing others to not vote for Harris or Patrick in 2020 (if they run).

Pretty sure there will be plenty of white walkers.

Why not do something actually if the slaves had revolted against the Confederacy and won the war without the North? And then the white North had become terrified of the free blacks among them and in the South and become malevolent?